Category: Oracle Identity Management

More on the Bharosa Acquisition

There has been quite a bit of interest in the announcement Oracle made last week regarding the acquisition of Bharosa (some interesting posts can be found here, here and here). Here is an overview of what the acquisition adds to the Access Management capabilities of our IAM suite. Contextual & Software-based Strong Authentication & AuthorizationOracle

Oracle moves into Risk-based Access Management by acquiring Bharosa

So the big identity management news coming out of Redwood Shores today (where I happen to be this week) is the acquisition announcement of Bharosa by Oracle. Bharosa is a global provider of proactive, real-time fraud detection and multifactor online authentication security solutions for the enterprise. (Read the press release here). By agreeing to acquire

Catalyst Conf. Notes: Wrapping Up

Catalyst 2007 has been a good conference for me simply because of the intangibles – Good conversations, stimulating discussions, and loads of fun. Here is a wrap up of a hodge-podge of thoughts from the conference. Identity Services, Where Art Thou?The second half of day 2 was dedicated to the subject of identity services. While

Catalyst Conf. Notes: Burton takes “Control”

After a day and a half, I can safely say that Catalyst is living up to its reputation of being on the cutting edge of identity trends and issues. After a typically boisterous start to the conference on Wednesday, where Mike Neuenschwander set the tone by introducing a superhero called “Captain Controls“, the conference settled

The Simple Things Seldom Are

It’s amazing how often we (and by “we” I mean those of us who deal with the high flying world of identity management) get brought back to earth by the reality of everyday life. Usually, this happens when someone asks such a simple and obvious question that we wonder how we overlooked it in the

Are you a Catalyst?

That catchy slogan can only mean one thing – it’s time for the annual Catalyst Conference (US edition), hosted by the Burton Group. Running from June 25-29 in San Francisco, the event will once again aim to stir things up by bringing together people in a forum where debates will rage and ideas will fly.

Understanding OIM’s Generic Technology Connector

Anyone that has implemented any kind of provisioning solution knows that the most difficult part of deploying a solution is creating the connectors –  those components that allow the provisioning system to integrate with the managed target systems. Oracle sells a number of application-specific connectors for OIM that are designed for target systems such as

Defining “Identity as a Service”

What exactly do we mean when we say Identity as a Service? Recent discussions have made me realize that not everyone has the exact same definition of this term, and it can cause a great deal of confusion when discussing the subject. Identity as a Service refers to the notion of making identity management capabilities

“Identity” is far from an understood concept

As usual, it has taken a while for me to resurface from my latest conference stint. Not because I overextended myself while in Vegas for Collaborate. That only warrants a few days. No, the real reason is that being offline from work for just a few days means loads of catching up to do. And

See you at Collaborate 07

Next week I’ll be heading to the conference capital of the country – Las Vegas – to attend the Collaborate 07 conference. Collaborate is a unique conference that brings together 3 different user groups in the Oracle community – IOUG, OAUG and QUEST – that covers all the product lines in the Oracle family (find