Tag: Project Concordia

Burton Catalyst 2009: The Twisted Web We Weave

I’m finally settling back into work after a wonderful week out in sunny San Diego at Burton Group‘s annual Catalyst Conference. And it wasn’t just the weather outside that was wonderful. Inside you could find some thought-provoking sessions, inspiring discussions and great people. It’s given me way too much to blog about, and I hope

Concordia tackles Entitlements and Policy Management

Burton Group’s Catalyst Conference is coming up at the end of the month, which means that the work going on in the identity management world kicked up a few notches last month. One of the things that is becoming a fixture at Catalyst is a meeting of the folks involved in Project Concordia. Anyone who

Project Concordia Has Its Work Cut Out For It

I attended the Project Concordia workshop yesterday, ahead of the Catalyst conference. I mentioned the project in a blog post last week; it has the worthy goal of trying to initiate efforts that make sense of the competing standards and methodologies that exist in the identity world. I found myself enjoying the kind of lively

Can Project Concordia guide us out of the morass?

On Lost, one of my favorite shows on TV, the lead character is fond of saying “Live Together, Die Alone“. So much so that on one of the more recent episodes, one of the other characters told him “If you say that one more time, I’m gonna kill you” (I may be paraphrasing a bit).