Tag: Service-Oriented Security

SPML Under The Spotlight Again?

Mark Diodati of the Burton Group (that’s still how I should be referring to them, right?) wrote a post entitled “SPML Is On Life Support“. It is a great read, as it captures all the issues that have been plaguing SPML for years now. And the simple fact is that SPML simply has not lived

Entitlement Management: More than meets the eye

Ian Yip just blogged his thoughts about what Entitlement Management means. It’s interesting to hear his take, because not too long ago, I participated in another discussion that was trying to define EM. Back then, the contention was that entitlement management and RBAC were essentially solutions to the same problem, setting off a “which one

We’re Listening, Pamela. We’re Listening

The ever thought-provoking Pamela Dingle has issued a challenge to Enterprise Application vendors. In it, she puts forth the idea that technology and market demand has reached the point where those in the business of building and selling enterprise applications should (must?) figure out how to externalize authentication. But she also points out what has