Evolving the Identity Services architecture

The last 3 months or so has been really good to my work defining our vision for Identity Services. I’ve gotten valuable input from my colleagues in the IdM business, and my participation in Project Fusion and Burton’s Identity Services Working Group has helped crystallize some key aspects of the architecture. Below is the latest architecture diagram for the Identity Services Platform.


It doesn’t look remarkably different from what I have presented previously on this blog, but it do want to point out some of the evolving ideas captured in the diagram above:

  • Some of the ongoing discussions that I have blogged about previously have led to a clearer definition of the service called the Identity Hub . In fact, we just put out an Oracle whitepaper talking about the Identity Hub in detail.
  • It has become clear that the API Interfaces that the applications rely on to consume these services should be coming from the container that the applications are built on.
  • The provider model by which various IdM products plug into the architecture as Service Providers (within the container) is starting to take shape, thanks to good discussion happening in the standards and vendor communities. Consuming applications will not know or care about the specifics of the deployment. This also provides a way for the existing IdM investments to be leveraged (provided we can get all IdM vendors to agree to the requirements of being an Identity Service Provider).
  • Authentication and Authorization are both going to have to support contextual and risk-based decisions. This will require greater communication from the applications into the services, and vice-versa.

You can check out a presentation I have put together on how the various IdM products in Oracle Identity Management can be used to create an initial version of this Identity Services Platform. This is an adaptation of my OpenWorld presentation that I will be using in discussions with some customers that are interested in working with us to define their identity services strategy. As always, input and feedback is welcome. And feel free to tell me specific portions that I should talk about in detail in this blog.

Remember, you can find all my published materials (the presentation referenced above, all the Oracle whitepapers on Identity Services, and more) on the downloads page of my blog.

Spreading the Word on Identity Services at Catalyst Europe

My exciting fall season continues as I head to Europe next week. My trip starts with a brief stopover in London for some meetings, after which I head to Prague for the Europe edition of Burton Group’s Catalyst Conference. I’ve been to Prague before (for pleasure, not business), and I absolutely love that city. So that is as good a reason to go as any.

My participation in Catalyst Europe is to continue to spread the gospel of Identity Services. On Thursday, Kevin Kampman will be presenting the results of the work that has been done so far in the ISWG. Following that, I will be on stage as part of a panel discussion involving both customers (TD Bank, BT, Credit Suisse) and vendors (IBM, Novell, Sun and of course Oracle) that are part of the ISWG.

Title: Identity Services Roundtable: Aligning Vendor Strategies with Customer Needs
Date: Thursday, 23 October 2008
Start time: 11:55 am
End time: 12:45 pm
Room: Congress Hall 2

Should be an interesting discussion. We’ve had some very good workshops in the working group, and we are anxious to put the results out there for people to see and comment on. It is very much a work-in-progress, so lots of feedback is expected. If you are going to be at Catalyst Europe, then please stick around for this roundtable (unfortunately, it is scheduled as the last session in the conference) and participate. And remember to follow me on Twitter for real-time updates on my Europe trip and the proceedings at Catalyst Europe.

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