Talking Ethics in Identity at Identiverse 2024
Identiverse being the best identity conference around means that it’s always a challenge coming up with a talk proposal, as Andrew Hindle and team raise the bar each year. The process acts as a forcing function for me to think about the topics I want to bring to the community for discussion, topics that I encounter all the time in #DayJob, but seldom have time to dig into.
This year I wanted to build on my talk from last year, but realized I couldn’t tackle it alone. Thankfully, I managed to con(vince) two absolute rock stars in Michelle Dennedy and Eve Maler to join me on stage for a fireside chat about the ethics imperative facing our industry.

As the abstract says, “What happens when you throw a privacy wonk, a standards guru, and a product architect that have been working in identity far too long on to a conference stage together?” Join us in Vegas and find out.