Anyone following me on Twitter is well aware of my stance on AddressBookGate. While the tech world’s initial outrage was being directed at Path, I felt that a more balanced conversation would also lay some culpability at the feet of Apple and other API platforms that were exposing data to applications like Path without any
RWW Enterprise just covered the latest update of PingFederate in an article titled It’s PingFederate 6.6 Versus “Identity as a Service”. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to comment on some details that made me cringe, so naturally this blog post was born. Please note that this is not about PingFederate in specific, a product
Time and time again, we hear from organizations that are struggling with the task of managing their IAM deployments. Budget overruns and unexpected expenses, the difficulty of finding and retaining IAM specialists, the inability of an overtaxed IT department to keep up with the constant adjustments and demands on the program – these are just
It’s that time of year, when everyone does their best Carnac the Magnificent impression and rolls out their prognostications and top 10 lists. Here at Identropy, we’re not so sure about trying to predict the future, but we do know a thing or two about helping customers succeed in meeting the goals of their IAM
I was recently asked to comment on the top 5 ways to protect yourself (as an individual) when using the cloud. Obviously I brought a very identity-centric slant to it, but it was an interesting exercise as I tried to put down on paper (!) the steps I take to protect myself daily. I thought
To all those claiming victory in the nymwars, hold on to your horses and read between the lines. Nothing that has been said indicates any kind of understanding from Google on the debate over use of pseudonyms. Phrases like “the issue is technology, resources and the atmosphere the company wanted to set” sounds suspiciously like
[Cross posted from the Identropy blog here] Want to get a deep dive on how to achieve success with your identity and access management program? Then join us for a lunch and learn where Quest Software and Identropy will share insight on the key technologies and best practices that can help you improve your security
In a prior post I talked about the backlash against the “Real Names” policy that Google has instituted for it’s Google+ social network. The resulting nymwars are in full force, and drew me into a very interesting twitter back-and-forth between Kevin Marks, myself and Tim O’Reilly over the weekend, which Kaliya (or IdentityWoman, as she
It was an interesting weekend, to say the least. I’ve never had to prepare for a hurricane before, so going through the exercise was a revelation in so many ways. You discover what you consider really “valuable” (like when I actually packed my external hard drive that has 10 years worth of digital images and
The “Real Names” debate has been fascinating to watch, because it such an intriguing melange of issues – social conventions, technical requirements, best practices, community responsibility – rolled into what would on the surface seem to be a very simple problem. After all, what we’re really talking about is what value to let people put