Tag: Personal

The SCUID has a new home. At CA Technologies

Identity is the key to a secure, agile, cloud-based world. Which means that managing and using identities has to be easy, seamless, inherent, cost-effective. Enabling that was the mission when I joined Identropy to build what would become SCUID. We believed that the future of identity management lay in the cloud, and required a fundamental rethink of the business

From The End Spring New Beginnings

As I posted on Friday, I decided it was time to close the chapter on my career at Thoracle (by the way, the positive wishes in response from all of you has been quite gratifying). But it wasn’t without knowing what the next chapter was going to bring. It’s going to be a busy July

As They Say, All Good Things Must Come To An End

Today is my last day at Oracle, ending an era of my life that began over 10 years ago at Thor Technologies. Back then, I had no idea about the scope of the journey I was embarking on. I had no idea I was entering a space that was going to become so hot and