Fed-Prov and the Cloud: JIT Provisioning to the Rescue?

In my last post, I talked about Advance Provisioning, and how it was problematic in the cloud world because of the integration work and pre-defined business relationships (at an IT level) it requires. A lot of the appeal in using and delivering cloud-based services is the ability to enable short-lived and limited-use business relationships (case

Advance (Federated) Provisioning and the Cloud

It’s pretty gratifying that some really smart people are doing a deep-dive on the ideas I threw out there in my “Federated Provisioning and the Cloud” deck and challenging some of the ideas in there. Means that I get to tap into the brain power out there in the identity community to flesh out the

My GlueCon Talk on “Federated Provisioning and the Cloud”

Last week I attended GlueCon, a 2-day developer-oriented conference focusing on the technologies that make/will make the cloud go. As usual, Eric Norlin and team did an excellent job curating a conference with lots of interesting content, some of which was quite new to me. And the energy levels were extremely high (I can’t remember

Şekerbank secures online banking with award-winning OAAM implementation

?ekerbank T.A.?. is the leading Turkish bank for small and midsize enterprises, and its internet banking services are among the three highest-rated online banking Web sites in Turkey. They have earned a reputation for having the most user-friendly and secure online banking Web sites in the country. Last week at the European Identity Conference, they

See you at the European Identity Conference

Just a quick reminder that if you are at the European Identity Conference taking place in Munich right now (from May 4-7), then I will be on 3 (count that, 3) back-to-back panels tomorrow (today) – Wednesday May 5th. I already told you about the first two in a previous post, but I am now

Podcast on Identity Management for Cloud Computing

As part of Oracle’s Identity Management Think Tank Podcast Series, I recorded a podcast on “Identity Management for Cloud Computing” with our Chief Identity Architect Vadim Lander. You can listen to it by clicking here. In the podcast, we cover What are the key security concerns about cloud computing How security requirements vary between Private

The ‘x’ in xAuth stands for…

…xhausting! OK! So being at a conference (Cloud Computing Expo in NYC, where Oracle is making big waves with announcements in the PaaS space) where I had no wi-fi or power meant that I was trying to follow the big xAuth announcement via Twitter on my iPhone over 3G – note exactly the easiest thing.

It’s gonna be a jam-packed May for Identity

This is probably an anomaly, but May is shaping up to be a pretty jam-packed month for me in the identity-related conference circuit, with some great events going on where I will be speaking/hoping to speak. My participation is still subject to some approvals coming through, but I’m fairly confident on that front. So there

A Twittorial on Trust Frameworks

(Updated to reflect provisional status of OIX approval per this – thanks to Brett for telling me) I just got back home from the RSA Conference in San Francisco this week, where the topic of Trust was second only to all things Cloud. While sessions on Identity Management were few and far between, there was