Almost 4 years ago I wrote a post titled ‘The Epic Hacking of Mat Honan and Our Identity Challenge‘. In it I examined how hackers exploited the ways in which our online accounts are daisy chained together through poor password recovery and KBA based systems to systematically take over Mat Honan’s digital life. 4 years
The Cloud Identity Summit is underway here in New Orleans, and it’s off to a great start. The organizers have done a wonderful job again, and with so much great content, the hardest thing is choosing which of the many interesting talks to go to. My talk is already done (it’s oddly liberating to not
If you’ve followed my last few blog posts, you may have noticed the topic of usability in security pop up quite a bit. I’ve said in the past that usability issues in security should be considered vulnerabilities, because they create attack vectors in the form of user errors, exploits and workarounds. The idea was captured
RSA Conference is a little too big to be manageable any more. But a quick glance at the companies showing up at the 2016 edition and at the session topics is always a good indicator of current trends. And so it is with a mix of interest and disappointment that I take in the (long)
I’ve been an account holder at a fairly prominent online brokerage for a while now. Been using it without a hiccup for years. If you are new to the stock market and trading, you may want to look up trading platform fees such as eToro Gebühren to be aware of what you’ll be getting into.
I love hashtags, because I love twitter. So it was inevitable that hashtags would become a major part of one of my talks at some point. And as I get ready for another round at Defrag (one of the highlights of my year every year), I realized I never posted about the talk I gave
Didn’t think I’d be writing back-to-back posts regarding breaches, but that’s the world we live in now. And the LastPass breach is interesting on many levels. In warning users of the breach, LastPass disclosed that their investigation into the breach showed “that LastPass account email addresses, password reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes were
Kaspersky Labs has revealed this week that their corporate network was subject to a sophisticated cyber-intrusion that leveraged a new malware platform. Their investigation is ongoing, and they have found the malware to have been used against other victims as well. So while I am sure there are more details that they will reveal, I
Algorithms. Algorithms. Algorithms. If Steve Ballmer were still running the show at Microsoft, I’m pretty sure that would have been his chant at the next conference. The abundance of data being generated, collected and analyzed now is so vast that it has been a completely logical progression to move away from human analysis to algorithmic
It all started with a tweet I sent regarding the position on passwords and password managers that a member of Microsoft Research was taking in an NPR article (I’ll expand on my viewpoint in a later blog post). But one of the resulting responses I received sent me down a very interesting rabbit hole. Faux 2FA? Of course I