Identity is the key to a secure, agile, cloud-based world. Which means that managing and using identities has to be easy, seamless, inherent, cost-effective. Enabling that was the mission when I joined Identropy to build what would become SCUID. We believed that the future of identity management lay in the cloud, and required a fundamental rethink of the business
Ever since the Snowden revelations broke, there has been a lot of interest in metadata, with a lot of ink (or should that be bytes?) devoted to defining exactly what it is, where it can be gathered from, who is capable (and how) of doing said gathering, and most importantly of all, if it is
There is a lot to parse in the story about the hacking and illegal distribution online of the very personal and private pictures of a lot of (mainly female) celebrities. First and foremost, this was a despicable crime that no one deserves to suffer, no matter how public a figure they might be. Unlike ongoing
If you managed to catch my talk at this years Cloud Identity Summit, either in-person or using the video recording I posted (and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?), then you know that I relied on humor to engage my audience while presenting a serious vision of how IAM needs to evolve for the better. That
Another Cloud Identity Summit has come and gone, and even though it only happens once a year, the effect of being at “the top event on the identity calendar” (as Stephen Wilson puts it) always lingers. You leave trying to process all the great content and ideas you got exposed to, thinking about the wonderful
It would be pretty funny if the next ad for Apple’s iDevices touting TouchID happened to make the point using Google Glass (“In a world, where Glassholes are everywhere – behind you in line at Starbucks, sitting next to you on the BART, even lying in bed next to you – no passcode is safe!”).
In developing SCUID, we’ve been taking a very deep look at how the very nature of online identity (mostly enterprise identity, but a lot of it extends equally well to the broader definition of online identity) is changing in terms of how it is managed and what it needs to support. And in addition to
So, this wasn’t planned. But Slideshare, where I have been posting all of my talks, announced that they are discontinuing their excellent Slidecast feature. I’ve relied on that feature almost exclusively over the last few years for posting my slides along with their accompanying audio. Most of my presentations are highly visual, featuring imagery, humor
This is a rant. Connectors, more specifically provisioning connectors, have always been the bane of my career, and I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling this way. It really is what drives a lot of us in the identity management game to drink. I know it’s what gives Frank V nightmares. Because each connector is
In 2010, I gave a (in retrospect somewhat optimistic) talk at the Catalyst conference in which I described a pull-based architecture for account provisioning. SAML was a central part of that architecture, especially in supporting Just-In-Time (JIT) Provisioning, which I was sure was going to be important to the evolution of enterprise cloud applications. In 2011,